Our Tuesday Class Lesson
Our classes will resume on January 21st and will be bi-weekly. The class schedule for this semester will be on January 21st, February 4th, February 18th, March 4th, March 18th, April 1st, and April 15th. I encourage you to meet with your bible scholars during the off week to pray, talk, and work on any class topics.
Dates and Focus Question
All classes will start with where is it and a brief introduction to the topic from the Pastor. Feel free to invite a friend or family member. See you soon.
January 21st: Review of the Old and New Testament. Please look at all of your notes. Discussion on 1/21.
February 4th: Focus on the 66 books in the bible. List one thing learned from each book. Share on 2/4.
February 18th: Focus on the 40 Bible Writers. List who they are and what book they wrote. Share on 2/18.
March 4th: Focus on the 12 Apostles. List who they are, whether they are related, and how they died. Share on 3/4.
March 18th: Focus on why God decided to create humans. Select all scriptures that apply. Share on 3/18.
April 1st: Focus on why God decided to create animals. Select all scriptures that apply. Share on 4/1.
April 15th: Focus on how evil entered the world. Select all scriptures that apply. Share on 4/15.
God bless!